
Welcome to Willow’s class page.

We hope you have had a lovely, relaxing Summer and have managed to fit in a few beach days. We are looking forward to starting the term with you all in September.  

The willow tree is symbolic in many cultures:

  • In Chinese culture, it is associated with spring and rebirth.
  • Its pliability suggests meekness and humility. 
  • It is associated with friendship, because of its intertwining branches.
  • In western cultures it can symbolise the endurance of love and family.
  • It is associated with flexibility and adaptability thanks to the supple nature of its branches. Many, therefore, see it as inspiring and symbolic of humans’ capability to withstand hardship, loss, and difficult emotions.
  • Native Americans have a deep connection with nature, and the willow tree was believed to bring good luck. They often tied willow branches to their boats for protection against bad weather and to their homes to safeguard against negative spirits. 

Hopefully these ideas of new beginnings, friendship, humility and love will be something that we can all share in our new class as we work together to learn and grow.

I, Miss Felgate, will be your class teacher. We are also very lucky to have Mrs Jacobs as our class teaching assistant.

It is going to be a busy and exciting term so here are a few things to remember… 

Please bring your reading book and reading record every day! Remember to have them out on your desk as we like to grab every opportunity we can to read.  

On PE days the children can come in wearing their PE kit. Swimming will be on a Wednesday morning. Children should have swimming costumes (not long/baggy shorts on no bikinis) and a swimming hat (we can not continuously provide spare hats.) They should not wear their costumes under their clothes to come to school as this often leads to the embarrassing forgetting of undies!

Obviously a lot of this year will be focused on preparing children for SATs and high school, however, there will also be some fun activities such as Crucial Crew which should be happening this term.

Make sure you check back to see what we will be getting up to this year. 

We are looking forward to a very busy and exciting term!

Miss Felgate