Friends Of

Friends of Felix Primary are a small group of staff and parents who work together to run events to raise money for the benefit of the children who attend our school.

Events that we run include: school discos, raffles, summer and Christmas fayres, to name a few.

All the money raised is spent on items for our school I.e Picnic tables and toys for the playground; items for forest school; year 6 leavers tshirts etc.

We are looking for more parents/carers to help, either as a parent helper or to have a named role.

Our next meeting will be confirmed and will be after school and is held in school (we are happy for your child to attend, we know childcare can be an issue for some). 

If you would like to know more about what we do or if you have any money raising ideas, please let us know by leaving a note in the office for us or emailing us on

Looking forward to working with you, for the benefit of Felix Primary.

Amanda Fish