
Welcome to Elder’s Class page.

We are looking forward to starting the term with you all in September. Miss Morton and Mrs Hayward will be your class teachers. Miss Morton will be teaching you on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Mrs Hayward will be teaching you on Thursday and Friday. We are also very lucky to have Mrs Pilcher working in our class to give us extra support with our learning. 

Did you know that an Elder tree has very unique leaves? In Elder class we all have our own unique ideas and talents, something that we can’t wait to learn more about, cultivate and celebrate with you all.

The flowers on an Elder tree like to grow in clusters which means a group. As a class cluster we will be growing and learning together as well as looking after one another and helping each other along.

It is going to be a busy and exciting year so here are a few things to remember… 

Please bring in a bottle of water with your name on it to keep your brains hydrated!

PE will be on (TBC)  so please remember your PE kit and make sure all your clothes are named.

Please bring your reading book and reading record every day! Remember to place them in the reading diary basket on top of the bookshelf as you enter the classroom.

Make sure to come back to check our page for examples of our brilliant work and exciting adventures as the term goes on! 

We are looking forward to a very busy and exciting year!