
Welcome to Maple’s class page.

 Welcome back Maple class! We hope you have had a lovely, relaxing break.  

We all worked extremely hard last term and it was great to see the progression in all the children. We look forward to seeing you all progress in this coming term. 

I, Mrs White, will continue to be your class teacher. We are also very lucky to have Mrs Lawrence as our class teaching assistant Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays. We have Mrs Myers joining us on Wednesday. 

It is going to be a busy and exciting term so here are a few things to remember…  
Please bring in a bottle of water with your name on it to keep your brains hydrated! Remember to place them in the box at the back to prevent any spillages.  
Please continue to bring your reading book and reading record in every day! These will be checked weekly with rewards when meeting our reading targets.  Remember to have them out on your desk as we like to grab every opportunity we can to read.   

We have PE on Tuesday, Year 5 have swimming on Wednesday and Year 6s have a PE session on Friday afternoons. For swimming, you will need a swimsuit, towel and swimming hat. Please remember to come in school uniform and we change when we are at the pool. Year 6s please come to school on Friday in your PE kit.  

Make sure you access TTRS on a regular basis to help with your maths skills and to win prizes throughout the year.  

Make sure you check back to see what we will be getting up to this year.  

We are looking forward to a very busy and exciting term! 

Mrs White and Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Myers